Saturday, October 9, 2010

Monkey see Monkey tank....sankyou

Firing Ulus, hot brazilian chicks, thank you god for brazilian cut bathing suits. the problem got his first photo of him surfing, and sean continues to thank every indonesian person for having a beautiful country... post surf we went to the Uluwatu Temple, which was full of little bastard monkeys that steal everything including a poor chinese mans seeing glasses...tanks alot monkey....I will give it to those little guys they are pretty smart, also saw them steal a guys hat and in order to get it back he had to barter him with a candy bar...the problem and sean refused a second surf because their poor feet are too soft, didn't want to hurt them on the reef...oh highlight though was definitely seeing a monkey one pump chump his girlfriend monkey and then go take a nap....we really must have evolved from them...heading to a different town tomorrow, not knowing where we will stay, but we do know it will be cheap as shit, brother
ps. parents and significant others, we love you and miss you...keep checking the blog and have a great weekend...and a special big ups to outback, k wright, p tripp, sherman(if you decide to admit this is a cool blog) are homey josh and the boys and all of our followers, thanks


  1. Hey guys! just woke up super hungover. Dave eno's wedding was super fun. girls tried to dance with outback back but they kept getting washed out by the 1's and the 2's. woke up on the parents couch dont ask how. super stoked on no pee pee pants. looks like you guys are having a lot of fun. i want more action photos. Girls, surfing, doing stupid shit, drinking, and more fucking girls in brazilian bathing siuts!!!!!

  2. Sounds like you all are having an amazing time!! Pictures are awesome! Good job on keeping up with the blog!
    Miss you!
